Nagamani T.
Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS),
Scientist and Director
Ms Nagamani.T is Scientist E /Director in Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), India. She is currently posted as Head of Bengaluru Laboratory, BIS. She completed her Post Graduation [MSc(tech)] in Petrochemicals fro Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. She taught chemistry for higher secondary students for 5 years. She was working in BIS from last 18 years in different activities of product certification and standards formulation and currently in laboratory. She had worked as Member Secretary of the technical Committee dealing with fuels in BIS for around 8 years. During the last few years, the Committee has published many national standards on different biofuels and alternate fuels. The Committee being the National Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 28 Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources, she actively participated in the work of ISO/TC 28. She had attended the meetings of ISO/TC 28 in 2018 and 2020.