Alexandros Litinas
R&D and QC Director
Alexandros Litinas is the Research, Development and Quality Control Director at Elin Verd S.A. since June 2010. His duties include the development of new products and processes, management of research projects, management of the quality control and R&D laboratory, providing solutions in process related problems of the production plant and technical consulting of the higher management on new business activities. Moreover, he is the company’s delegate in several projects in collaboration with Universities / Research Centres as well as in European Technical Bodies / Associations (such as EWABA Technical Working Group, CEN/TC19 Working Group 24 –Specifications of Distillate Fuels, CEN/TC19 Joint Working Group 1 – Specifications of Biodiesel). In the past, he has worked as a research assistant at Delft University of Technology and as an intern at the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands. He holds a Degree in Chemical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Master of Science Degree from Delft University of Technology in Sustainable Energy Technology.