Lampros Pyrgiotis
General Chair
He holds a Chemical Engineering MEng Diploma (National Technical University of Athens, 1988) and a PhD in Regional Science – Social Sciences, Social and Economic Geography – (Panteion University of Athens, 1994). He is a specialist on regional energy planning, the formulation of regional plans implementation strategies and the creation of regional and local development mechanisms with the establishment of active partnerships between public and socio-economic actors, and broadly experienced on exchange of experiences and networking and collaboration across the regional policy sector, with significant background on the management of inter-regional co-operation programmes and projects. Ηe was assigned as the National Delegate of Greece in the Programme Committee of the European Commission’s RTD FP6 Specific Programme “Structuring the European Research Area”, for the theme of “Research and Innovation”. As representative of the Technical Chamber of Greece, he is Member of the Administrative Council of the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation and hence of the Hellenic Industrial Property Academy. Since November 2020, he has taken office as the General Director of the Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES).